Native American Children’s Health and Well-Being Current Status, Enduring Inequities and a Path Forward

< 1 min read

 Summary: The Annie E. Casey Foundation recently reported the latest demographic trends for American Indian and Alaska Native (AI/AN)* children in the United States. This is a follow-up to that post, with a look at the status of their health and well-being, including the solvable inequities they face. 

Our country has a long history of violence and oppression of Indigenous peoples, the effects of which are still apparent today. This systemic inequity continues, with the United States currently not upholding many of its treaty obligations to Native nations. The country is also not fully implementing policies intended to support their well-being. 

It is critical that we work to remove the structural barriers that remain for Indigenous populations. Despite past and present injustices, Native nations have shown leadership and strength in their contributions to society. Supporting all aspects of their well-being is a key part of working toward equity and justice. 


Application:  This is essential for anyone working with the tribal nations.  It gives a clear path forward to all who are interested. 


Source: Annie E. Casey Foundation


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