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Infant and Early Childhood Mental Health Funding Compendium

< 1 min read


The Infant and Early Childhood Mental Health (IECMH) Funding Compendium, published by the Administration for Children and Families (ACF) on November 25, 2024, serves as a comprehensive resource to assist States, territories, Tribes, and local communities in accessing federal funds to address the mental health needs of young children and their families.

Key Components:

  • Funding Matrix: An interactive table outlining eight distinct IECMH activities within the continuum of care, linked to corresponding federal funding streams.

  • Program Summaries: Detailed descriptions of each federal program or funding stream, emphasizing aspects pertinent to IECMH and family well-being.

  • Activity Categories: Insights into eight broad IECMH activity categories, such as screening, parent support programs, and treatment interventions, with associated federal funding opportunities.

  • Appendices: Additional information on program funding levels, target populations, and a glossary of key abbreviations and acronyms.

This compendium is designed to be a practical tool for early childhood leaders aiming to create and enhance systems of care that effectively address the social, emotional, and behavioral health needs of families with young children.