How does turnover in the child welfare workforce impact children and families?

< 1 min read

This brief looks at workforce turnover in the context of:

  • Measuring turnover: tracking turnover trends can be difficult because it may be measured differently in each jurisdiction
  • Why turnover matters:
    • Leads to more placement disruptions, time in
      foster care, incidents of maltreatment, and re-entries
      into foster care
    • Caseworker turnover constitutes a
      relationship loss with children that has complex and
      negative impacts on children’s well-being
  • Turnover predictors: role ambiguity, low compensation, organizational
    culture, lack of peer support, increased administrative
    requirements, high caseloads, and lack of community-based
  • racial equity and moral distress: A lack of diversity in the workforce, especially in leadership, as well as perceptions of discrimination and bias can lead to lower
    job satisfaction


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