Building bridges and alliances between CW and MH systems.

Engage in deep on-the-ground technical assistance with a National Center team of subject matter experts to facilitate cross-systems collaboration including relationship building between CW and MH systems, guidance on team member composition of the system change effort, and creation of tailored technical assistance plan mapping effective strategies using proven TA methods. The TA will also include training and support as determined by each STT. TA will be divided into four phases and will occur over a 12-18 month duration.
Tailored and responsive to the site, the local community, and their strengths
Focused on developing a unique and custom Implementation Plan
With multi-level engagement in TA
Including robust evaluation of plan implementation and outcomes
By strategically selected TA team with varied expertise to support site needs
Steering Team
Composed of State/Tribal Nation/territory leadership across multiple systems as appropriate (e.g., child welfare, behavioral health, juvenile justice, school systems, etc.)
Meets monthly to guide implementation planning and execution
Service Provider Leadership
Direct Service Providers
Community and Family Liaisons
Rhode Island
Navajo Nation
Use of existing state-of-the-art adoption competent training for MH practitioners.
Accessibility and delivery of adoption competent MH services to youth with lived experience.
Sustained collaboration, use of training, and expanded access to adoption competent MH services to youth and families with lived child welfare experience.
Improved well-being, stability, permanency, and behavioral health of youth.
Sustainability must be a focus from the beginning
Development of sustainability strategies
Showcase of progress of cross-system collaborations