The National Center Officially Begins TA Partnership with Oklahoma after Successful Kickoff Meeting


The National Center Officially Begins TA Partnership with Oklahoma after Successful Kickoff Meeting

Written by Sean Snyder

The National Center is pioneering a new path to increasing adoption competent mental health services and had a successful Technical Assistance Kick-Off with our first state, Oklahoma.

The National Center has partnered with Oklahoma to build bridges to a wealth of resources and expertise, all delivered through in-depth technical assistance, with the goal of helping Oklahoma realize its vision of advancing adoption competent mental health services. Through this partnership, Oklahoma is setting an example for other states, showing a strong commitment to improving child welfare outcomes.

The kickoff meeting was held in Oklahoma City on May 16, 2024, with attendees representing diverse professional and personal backgrounds, like Oklahoma’s Department of Human Services, child welfare organizations, mental health agencies, and families with experience in the child welfare system. During the event, attendees heard from panelists with lived experience about the first-hand importance of adoption competent mental health services; engaged in collaborative brainstorming about ways to enhance mental health services in the state; and set the course for developing a state-wide workplan to bring about meaningful change towards adoption competent services. Attendees expressed their enthusiasm for the collaboration.

Dr. Deborah Shropshire, Director of Oklahoma Human Services, said “Particularly since the COVID-19 pandemic, our nation has seen an historic need for increased accessibility to mental health resources. For youth and families who have experienced the child welfare system, access to appropriate mental health providers who understand their unique experiences creates pathways to hope. We are proud to lead the way as the first of thirty sites who will engage in technical assistance over the next five years with The National Center for Adoption Competent Mental Health Services, thanks to the generous support from the Children’s Bureau, and are excited for the positive outcomes this work will bring for our children and families.”

David Johnson, a Program Administrator from Oklahoma Human Services, stated: “I was very encouraged by the attendance of such a wide range of partners who were present for this meeting. It really speaks to the importance of this work and the need for collaboration across our systems. I believe the information presented and the discussions between partners will initiate a more intentional collaboration process going forward.”

With help from the National Center, Oklahoma is poised to create a robust framework that other states can emulate, leading to more competent adoption mental health services nationwide.

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