Oklahoma Hears from Lived Experience Leaders about Improving Mental & Behavioral Health


On September 19, FosterClub Lived Experience Leaders Cinthia Garcia, age 22 (Indiana), Anaya Carter, age 24 (Texas), and Kenzie Drake, age 20 (Missouri), shown left to right, went to Oklahoma with The National Center for Adoption Competent Mental Health Services to talk about challenges and solutions for improving mental health and behavioral health for young people in foster care.

Cinthia, Anaya, and Kenzie are members of the Lived Experience Advisory Board, a ten-member team of young people with lived experience in the child welfare system designed to advise the National Center and its partners in its work over a five year project funded under DHS Federal Grant #90CO1144-02-00.

The National Center aims to improve mental health outcomes for children and families impacted by child welfare by providing technical assistance that bridges the gap between child welfare and mental health systems. The National Center prioritizes the need for specialized mental health services for children and families who have experienced the child welfare system. The Advisory Board is managed by FosterClub, the national network for young people in foster care, a partner of the National Center.

Oklahoma is the first site of the National Center. The meeting brought together mental health and behavioral health practitioners with child welfare leaders to discuss challenges and solutions in serving children, youth, and their families.

Get to know the three LEx Leaders who participated:

Cinthia Garcia (She/Her), age 22
Spent 5 years in Indiana foster care
Cinthia Garcia, originally from Mexico, entered the foster care system at 16 and aged out at 21. Overcoming challenges like language barriers and financial instability, she is now pursuing a degree in Spanish. Cinthia has been recognized for her advocacy work, including being named Outstanding Youth Advocate in 2024. She has participated in various events, such as the Equity Project and Breaking Down Barriers Conference. Cinthia is passionate about continuing her education, with long-term goals of earning a Master’s in Social Work.

Anaya Carter (She/Her), age 24
Spent 3 years in Texas foster care
Anaya Carter, from Texas, is a spiritual healer and advocate with three years of foster care experience. After aging out at 18, she found healing through the Texas Network of Youth Services, where she serves on the Young Adult Leadership Council. Anaya is passionate about helping others heal from trauma and is proud of her personal and spiritual growth. She works in childcare and supports her brother’s child development franchise. Anaya is excited to continue her advocacy work with FosterClub, aiming to be a leader and voice for youth across the nation.

Kenzie Drake (She/Her), age 20
Experience in Missouri foster care
Kenzie is currently in college pursuing her passion of nursing and anticipates graduating in 2026. When she’s not studying, Kenzie loves to walk and hang out with friends. One thing she is extremely proud of is graduating high school with a 3.9 GPA. Currently, Kenzie could work at a hospital as a Nursing assistant. She wanted to be a part of FosterClub to use her lived experience to support youth who are enduring a broken system.