LGBTQIA+ Resource Guide



LGBTQIA+ Resource Guide


In our continued efforts at the National Center to improve access to adoption competent mental health services, we recognize the importance of supporting LGBTQIA+ youth who have experienced child welfare. There are many great resources online for LGBTQIA+ folks and the friends, family, and professionals who support them. We put together a list of valuable resources that offer crucial information, support, and advocacy for the LGBTQIA+ community. 


CDC LGBTQ Youth Resource Page 

The CDC’s LGBTQ Youth Resources page compiles educational resources from the CDC, other government agencies, and community organizations aimed at supporting LGBTQ youth. LGBTQ Youth, their friends, educators, parents, and family can view resources, filtered by audience, that center around finding and supporting positive environments for all. Some topics include guidance on mental health, safety, and support networks, all of which are essential for young people navigating their identities within the child welfare system.  


The Trevor Project 

The Trevor Project is a leading organization providing crisis intervention and suicide prevention services to LGBTQ youth. Their 24/7 helpline, online chat, and text services offer immediate, confidential support. This aligns with our mission at the National Center to provide accessible mental health services, particularly for those who may feel isolated. The Trevor Project’s resources are an invaluable tool for counselors and social workers in providing timely and effective support. 


Human Rights Campaign (HRC) 

The Human Rights Campaign (HRC) offers extensive resources and advocacy tools aimed at achieving equality for LGBTQ individuals. HRC’s work centers around three pillars of action: mobilize, educate, and advocate. Their educational materials, reports, and advocacy efforts help inform our practices at the National Center, ensuring we stay updated on the latest developments and best practices in supporting LGBTQ youth and families.  



PFLAG is a national organization that supports LGBTQ individuals and their families through advocacy, education, and peer support. Their resources are particularly beneficial for adoptive and foster families working to support LGBTQ youth. Professionals in child welfare and/or mental health might use PFLAG’s materials to educate and empower families, helping them create accepting and affirming environments that promote the well-being of all children. 


SAMHSA’s Center of Excellence for Behavioral Health Equity 

SAMHSA’s Center of Excellence for Behavioral Health Equity works to improve access to high-quality behavioral health services for diverse communities, including the LGBTQ population. Their focus on equity aligns with our goals at the National Center to provide fair and competent mental health care to LGBTQ youth in the child welfare system. SAMHSA’s resources can help us address disparities and advocate for inclusive mental health practices. 


The National SOGIE Center 

The National Center for Youth with Diverse Sexual Orientation, Gender Identity & Expression (The National SOGIE Center) promotes the well-being of LGBTQ+ individuals and their families through education, research, and advocacy. Their training, technical assistance, and implementation services support professionals who are working to create culturally responsive systems for children, youth, and families with diverse SOGIE. The SOGIE center is a valuable tool for addressing the specific needs of LGBTQ youth in the child welfare system. 


UC Davis LGBTQIA+ Resource Center  

The UC Davis LGBTQIA+ Resource Center provides a wealth of information, support services, and educational programs aimed at fostering a more inclusive environment for LGBTQIA+ individuals. Their resources are especially useful for young people and their families navigating the complexities of identity and mental health.  

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